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Business Cards

Business Cards Img

Leave A Great First Impression?

The little rectangles that you carry around in your pocket, briefcase or handbag can be very powerful. Yes, we’re talking about your business cards. Even though we live in a digital age, it is not enough to just have an exceptional online profile. People are not going to remember your website address by heart to check you up after your first meeting.

But, with something as small and unassuming as a business card, you give people something to remember you by. However, not all business cards will make a good first impression. What you need to do is take a good look at your card and ask if you would give it a second look if you were someone else. Below are a few tips on what makes a business card great for business, and you can check if yours ticks all the boxes.

What Makes A Great Business Card?

The Look: We humans are visual beings, and our attention is easily captured by attractive things. The way your business card looks will decide whether or not someone takes the time to look it over. Choose a good background colour for the card; it doesn’t always have to be white, but it also shouldn’t make the card hard to read. Make the card a bit unusual with an interesting design or logo that stands out well against the background. You could also have your company tagline printed in bold near the top. Having an attention-grabbing business card will also serve the purpose of getting noticed sometime later when the recipient is browsing through their things.

The Design: When deciding on the design for your business card, make sure that you don’t overcrowd your card with design elements. A graphic designer will help you choose the right ratio of logo and text to the card so that it is easy on the eyes and mind. A design-heavy card is a put-off because the first look confuses the mind. Your card should not be a puzzle that the recipient has to solve but a means of conveying clear information. Also, choose a design that matches your profession. If you run a toy shop, your design can reflect the fun element in your work through colours and graphics. On the other hand, if you run a financial consultancy, your cards need to reflect that you take your work very seriously.

The Details: The main purpose of the card is to give potential clients or business partners a snippet of information about yourself for networking. A few details are an absolute must on a business card, and these include your name and designation, the company you represent, your phone number, email id, website address and physical address in short. The information has to placed in a way that is clear to see yet not spread all over the card. A card that displays too much text is less likely to be read than one that just has a few points. If you choose to go minimalistic, make sure that your card has a conversation starter like an interesting logo or quote so that people remember meeting you when they see your card again.

The Quality: One of the most important points to remember when making a good first impression with a business card is the quality of the card material. It doesn’t matter if you choose paper, card or plastic, it is the quality of each that counts. Cards that appear to be of a higher grade always make an excellent first impression.

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